
SCALib is developped on github.


The minimum dependencies for building SCALib are

  • A C/C++ compiler.

  • The latest stable release of the rust toolchain.

  • Python (see setup.cfg for supported versions).

  • The PyPI build package.

Moreover, for development, we use

  • tox

  • make (optional)

Development commands#

The Makefile contains aliases for frequently-used commands, including building (with various compile optioms), running tests, etc. See

make help

Build wheels#

If you need to get wheels (e.g. to install elsewhere), you can simply use make wheel_local, make wheel_avx2 or make wheel_portable. (See the content of Makefile if you cannot use make.) The wheels are stored in dist/.

Development flow#

Multiple builds with misc. trade-offs can be used, depending on what you are working on:

  • Develop Rust code:

# Edit code...
make fmt # Nicely formats your code
make test # Build SCALib and run tests
# `make dev` can also be used: better debuginfo, but tests are slower
  • When developping Python code, you don’t have to wait for the build:

make dev
source .tox/dev/bin/activate # To be adapted when using powershell
# Do the above only once, and iterate the following:
# Edit code...
# Run the tests:
# or, to focus on one feature test:
pytest tests/
  • When developping tests, you can do the same as for Python development, but using the test environment to run the test faster!

Before committing or pull request#

  1. Ensure that your new code is poperly tested and documented.

  2. Ensure that your changes are documented in CHANGELOG.rst.

  3. Nicely format the code:

make fmt
  1. Run tests with

make test
  1. Build the documentation and check it

make docs

More development commands#

Report test code coverage as html:

make coverage

Performance measurements#

Do not guess, Measure !

Py-spy is a nice tool to show execution flamegraphs. It can even report the profile of rust code, but not the one executed in native thread pools (such as rayon’s):

py-spy record --native -- python

In order to benchmark directly the Rust crate (without using Python), you can leverage the criterion cargo’s utilities. A command line example is:

cargo bench --

You may also use perf on linux, running a test case, for general metrics, or instruction-oriented data.

perf stat python3 # you may want to look at option -e of perf stat
# This might generate a lot of data, probably a small example (a few
# seconds) on a single thread is enough statistical evidence.
SCALIB_NUM_THREADS=1 perf record python3
perf report -g folded

Also, when you develop, looking at generated assembly may help

RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+avx2" cargo asm scalib::module::function --rust
# or
RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo asm scalib::module::function --rust

Dependencies upgrade policy#

  • For python and python packages, we follow NEP29.

  • For rust: latest stable version.

  • OS support:

    • Pre-built wheels for manylinux (supporting last two Ubuntu LTS) on x86_64.

    • Pre-built wheels for Windows 10 on x86_64.

    • Other: build yourself (CI configuration welcome).

Make a release#

  1. Start from main branch.

  2. Review git log and add any missing element in CHANGELOG.rst.

  3. Add the new release with the release date in CHANGELOG.rst.

  4. Commit, create pull request and merge it (after CI succeeds).

  5. Create and push release tag: git tag vX.Y.Z && git push origin vX.Y.Z.

  6. Check that CI build, PyPI upload and ReadTheDocs all worked. Otherwise fix and make a patch release.